EFrid.CO's Creation

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Hello to who ever is reading this, if you're here you're here for a couple of reasons:

  1. EFrid sent you a link because a question you asked can be answered here
  2. you heard of EFrid.CO off of a friend
  3. You stumbled here by accident or are here by another way.

So let me explain why I made the website.

1.) I'm tired of answering the same questions
too many times, everyday I have to answer people. sure, answering questions for people is easy. Right? but I commonly see the same questions asked to me and by many people every day. So in that case, i can just send a link to my website and you can find your answer fast and easily.
2.) I don't "develope" for Garry's Mod server for free
Firstly, It isn't development, It's configuration. get it right. secondly, I don't drop everything I'm doing to help some bloke with a GMOD server he bought and has no experience configurating a server. and just because I'm a "Friend" I should help out of the goodness of my heart. Well buckle up friendo because here's the hard truth, your most-likely an acquaintance at best. so you either pay me to do it, or go find some other sucker to do your dirty work.
3.) I'm going to stop responding to Messages in Discord, Steam, and all other social platforms outside the website for messages about GMOD.
I'm tired of people asking for stuff from me day, after day, after day. so now to distinguish who are actually friends and those who just are here for me when the going is good, you must now contact me here, on my website.